Over 640,000 visitors came to see the artwork as a part of the the Light Festival of Ghent.

From the beginning of human history, the moon has acted as a ‘cultural mirror’ to our beliefs, understanding and ways of seeing. Over the centuries, the moon has been interpreted as a god and as a planet. It has been used as a timekeeper, calendar and to aid nighttime navigation. Throughout history the moon has inspired artists, poets, scientists, writers and musicians the world over. The ethereal blue light cast by a full moon, the delicate crescent following the setting sun, or the mysterious dark side of the moon has evoked passion and exploration. Different cultures around the world have their own historical, cultural, scientific and religious relationships to the moon.

Museum of the Moon allows us to observe and contemplate cultural similarities and differences around the world,  and consider the latest moon science. Depending on where the artwork is presented, its meaning and interpretation will shift. Read more in Research. Through local research at each location of the artwork, new stories and meanings will be collected and compared from one presentation to the next.

The Moon in Belgium

Read about the new space agency set up in Belgium.

Read this interesting story about how a Belgian artist Van Hoeydonck has a left sculpture on the surface of the moon.

Destination Moon is the sixteenth volume of The Adventures of Tintin, the comics series by Belgian cartoonist Hergé

In Dutch the days of the week are named for Germanic gods, a custom derived from parallel Roman practice. Some were named through Roman influence, because the Romans found them to be (roughly) equivalent to their Roman deities. Maandag (Monday) named after Máni – compared to “dies Lunae” (Luna‘s day).

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